Displaying results 1 - 5 of 5
Why are some teachers and schools successful?

John Hattie, an educational researcher, discusses what makes schools and teachers successful.  After studying thousands of schools, teachers, and students, this video identifies what his data shows.  This video would be great to show at a teacher inservice to generate conversations on methods tha

How Data Helps Teachers

This is a great clip to show in a professional development training to demonstrate the value of using data in the classroom. Teachers have access to more quality data than ever, on factors like student performance, attendance, and more.

Sports Center Spoof about Education and Teachers

This video is definitely worth showing your staff at the beginning of the year to get them pumped up and enjoy your first faculty meeting.  You just have to watch it to see how awesome and funny this is.

The way teachers should be!

Here is a video of Rita Pierson, a teacher just like you and me.  She has it going on.  In this video she addresses an audience of teachers about the need for student connections with teachers.  Well put Ms. Pierson.

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