A Recipe For Great Teaching: Four Ingredients

A recipe for great teaching with only 4 ingredients. Content, Pedegogy, Authenticity, Human Relationships

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Here is a tutorial I created that demonstrates the advantages of using PaperRater.com to help you grade written papers.  I love this website and highly recommend it to teachers that want to grade their papers quicker.Read more about this product.

Windows 7 or 10: Add Educational for to Enhance the looks of your Worksheets and Assessments

In this video teachers can learn how to add fonts to their windows 7 and 10 machines.  Adding fonts in Windows has never been easier.Read more about this product.

Spreadsheet Tech Tip 1: Expanding cell to the right size

Here is a quick way to expand the cells you are working on.  Get the cells to the correct size quickly.

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Google Docs Video Tip: Renumber Numbered ListsRead more about this product.
Smart Notebook Activity: MadLib Sentence building

This Smartboard Notebook MadLib Activity is great for those teaching languages. I have used this activity with my Spanish students and have seen it work in elementary grades when teaching sentence structure and working with sight words.Read more about this product.

Google Chrome Change Download Folder or Ask Where to Download Files

In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to change the location of your Google Chrome download location.

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Smartboard Notebook Tech Tip Using the Magic Pen

This Smartboard Training tutorial will demonstrate how to use some of the finer tools.  In this case, you will see what are and how to use the Magic Pen on your Smartboard.

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Teacher Pep Talk: Kid President

In this video the Kid president has some thoughts for teachers and students, but mostly teachers.  Keep being awesome and seen in kids their best.

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How to create a Jeopardy game using Jeopardylabs.com

Tutorial on using jeopardylabs.com which is a great way for teachers to create a realistic jeopardy game that is fun for students.

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Smartboard Notebook Idea: Using the Random Group and Name Picker

This idea works with multiple versions of the Smart Notebook. Learn how to use the Smart Notebook to randomly select students or randomly place them in groups. It is quick and simple.

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Smartboard Notebook 16 Tutorial: An Introduction to Notebook tools

This tutorial describes many of the common tools used in Smartboard Notebook. Learn what the different views are, how to use the different pens and how to customize them, learn how to customize the location of the formatting ribbons.

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Sports Center Spoof about Education and Teachers

This video is definitely worth showing your staff at the beginning of the year to get them pumped up and enjoy your first faculty meeting.  You just have to watch it to see how awesome and funny this is.

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This will revolutionize education

If you have been in education for a long time, you will have undoubtedly heard of some "idea" that would "revolutionize" education.  In this video, Veritasium, describes some research into how students learn, how technology can help, and what theRead more about this product.

Flashback express tutorial Flashback Express Video Recorder

In this tutorial, you will see how to use FlashBack Express 5.  FlashBack Express is an excellent free program, with premium options, that will allow teachers to record their screen, PowerPoint presentations, websites, etc...

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Educational Revolution

An excerpt by Sir Ken Robinson.  He discusses how children are waiting to blossom in their talents and skills, but might be held back by current trends in education.  Can education really be revolutionized to where each child has a personalized leRead more about this product.

Learning for Life Learning for Life

Learning for Life

By Jeremy Hatch, Principal-Taylor Elementary

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