Alzheimer's Disease Video

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting over 40 million people worldwide. And though it was discovered over a century ago, scientists are still grappling for a cure. This video describes how Alzheimer's affects the brain, shedding light on the different stages of this complicated, destructive disease.

Sugar is Everywhere Video

While sugar is easy to spot in candy, soft drinks, and ice cream, it also hides out in foods you might not expect.  This video decodes confusing labels and sugar's many aliases to help determine just how much of that sweet carbohydrate makes its way into our diets.

Flu Virus Replication Video

This animated and narrated video demonstrates how a flu virus exits one person and enters another.  Then it visually describes how the virus will be welcomed into a cell where it will replicate its DNA.  There is a great part that shows some Phagocytosis as your body tries to destroy the virus.