Mad Lib Sentence Generator


mad lib sentences

I created this program to generate unlimited opportunities to create sentences using names, nouns, adjectives, and verbs.  Just click the "Regenerate" button and new names, nouns, adjectives, and verbs will be generated.  Students then have to come up with a sentence that uses all of the words.  I also added a variable to the mix.  It causes students to also add parts to their sentences like setting, emotions, tense, singular vs. plural, figurative language concepts, rhymes, and prefixes/suffixes.  I usually play if I find 10 minutes at the end of a writing time.

Create Circular Fractions and Polygonal Fractions For Workseets or Presentations


Fraction shape creator

This web tool can allow teachers to build images that represent fractions of circles/pies or polygons.  It is simple to use.  Just say how many equal parts you want represented and then how many parts to shade.  You can also determine the line width, shade color and rotake the shape.  Once finished take a screen show of the picture or right click and save the image.

Explore Area and Perimeter with the Phet Simulation and Game


area and perimeter exploration image

In this activity, students will first begin by exploring area and perimeter.  Tell your students to make a shape that has a specific area or perimeter and then give them time to explore and create.  As you go, make the math challenges more difficult.  When they have had a chance to explore, have them play the game.  The challenge is to see how many levels they can complete.  Keep in mind that the last level is unique in that students now have to create a shape with a specific area while creating fraction of shaded color like the second image below.

Students Learn to Read a Ruler with this Game


The Ruler Game

When my 3rd grade students are learning to read measurements to the quarter inch, I use this game.  Most kids get really into it.  As students get the measurement correct, the timer goes faster and faster.  You can change the settings to display rulers the measure just the inch, half inch, quarter inch, sixteenth inch, thirty-two seconds of an inch and even sixty-four seconds of an inch.

Visually Demonstrate Division to Students


division, number sqares, and arrays explorer

Teachers can create arrays and visually show how division works.  Using the program students can also work on estimation, factoring, remainders, and fractions that all deal with division.  Factor Pairs and Prime factors can also be shown.  Teachers can use this to show why some numbers are perfect squares and some are perfect triangles.  Watch the video to show how to change and use this number explorer with students.

Random Spinners For Probability, Order of Operations, and Finding Rules


Randomized Spinners for Math Lessons

This website gives teachers the ability to quickly create random numbers that can be used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, order of operations, finding rules, and learning to substitute values.  The spinners can be used with 2 to 12 sections in each spinner.  You can have up to 4 spinners.  It also contains a timer in which you can quickly turn the spinners into fun and visual activities.  Watch the Youtube Video on using the spinners to see how it can be used.