Interactive and Review Reading Log: Friday to Thursday
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This is an activity-based reading log.
My idea behind this type of reading log is threefold.
1. Keep track of the books that students are reading and the time they are reading each day.
2. Practice a skill-based on reading, writing, and science standards as well as a review of previously taught standards to add more practice.
3. To give students an opportunity to interact more with their parents and siblings, through instilling a little more patriotism, awareness of national events and ideas, and learn a little bit of charity and acts of kindness to others.
At the top of each week’s reading log is an event that is going on throughout the country. As part of my rewards system, I pass out tokens. Students will get an extra token if parents check and sign that their students performed each action suggested. This is an option and not required.
This is a Google Doc so you can change out banners and activities to suit your needs.
I find students are engaged and enjoy these mini-activities with their families.
I have also created this reading log to keep track of Monday to Friday for those who prefer to pass out and collect work on Mondays. You can find it here.