In this phonics review, students will circle the correct spelling of a work that has the /k sound. They have to decide between "ck", "k", "c", and...
1st Grade Resources
This is a cute video to help younger students identify and classify elements of the four seasons.
This animated video describes the formation of minerals particularly the mineral quartz and how that quartz becomes sand. The video will discuss...
This worksheet has students comparing the length of 5 cars and the height of 5 trees. They need to decide the order from the shortest to the...
Elementary students will have a fun chance of reinforcing their understanding of the ones and tens places by grouping numbers of aliens in groups...
I blame the Coronavirus for causing boredom which in turn caused me to play with making a video for my students. In this episode, El Guapo is...
Save the planet by destroying the aliens quickly. Students need to solve addition problems in order to fire the weapon. This will surely improve...
Students will first roll a number cube. This number will then let students know how many of the 10 animals need to be eliminated/subtracted. They...
Play Thanksgiving Bingo with your students. After your history unity on Thanksgiving, this activity could be how you end the lesson.
This is a great video to help introduce or review interjections in grammar. (The video does include a boy getting a shot in the rear.)
This worksheet has your students counting by fives, tens, and hundreds. Students add up pictures by skip counting. ...
This is an interesting educational video created for the younger students. It is an animation and song that describes the sun and the eight...
This web tool can allow teachers to build images that represent fractions of circles/pies or polygons. It is simple to use. Just say how many...
Use this frame game to teach elementary students how to count, add, and subtract.
Here is a very elementary video worth showing your students in K-2
grade. It is definitely very elementary, but Sesame Street does an...
This is a fun song to help introduce place values and base tens to younger students.
This is an animated video that discusses eels. It discusses how they reproduce, a bit about the mystery behind an eel's migration, and how an eel...
Teachers can use this clock image generator to custom design a clock and then save the image to use in your presentation about clocks or time. ...