Here is a very well done elementary educational video discussing the importance of soil. The University of New Mexico created it. They use...
1st Grade Resources
This is a great video to help younger students learn or practice counting by threes.
I blame the Coronavirus for causing boredom which in turn caused me to play with making a video for my students. In this episode, El Guapo is...
This is an animated video about the states of matter from StudyJams. They do an excellent job explaining the different states: solids, liquids,...
Find out why the sky is blue in this SciShow video. The video discusses the way light reflects colors and the fact that you really have to be...
In this episode of the El Guapo Loco Science show, Mr. Weir and El Guapo visit Chile. They get to visit a cave where once lived a Mylodon, a giant...
Students will compare the lengths of three rectangles. They will write the number 1 in the rectangle that is the longest and the number 2 in the...
This math worksheet would be excellent to give as the Thanksgiving holiday is coming around. This worksheet has students comparing whole numbers...
Discusses how scientists go through the Scientific Method and Processes to experiment ideas, thoughts, notions and observations. Great video....
Students will measure the length of a bird, snake, dog, hippo, and a goat. They will also measure the height of a giraffe. This worksheet includes...
Have some fun singing the "Five Little Turkeys" song with your elementary students. The song gets faster each time it is sung.
How do scientists know the patterns of bird migration? This video demonstrates how science over the years has evolved in its discovery of bird...
This is a complete reading of the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie." This is a great book for younger students.
This website gives teachers the ability to quickly create random numbers that can be used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, order of...
This is a simple number line make that allows teachers to generate custom number lines Below are some examples of number lines that can be...
Practice your tens and ones place value with your students using this "Loopy" game. Cut out the cards and distribute them to your students. Each...
This is a Smartboard large button program that displays flashcards. I have my students in teams and we play two-minute relay games where the team...
Students compete against each other or a computer to see who can win a subtraction tug of war contest. The quicker the students answer the...
This is a great video to introduce and review the concept of weight.
This is a fun song that helps younger students explore the powers of the Sun.
This is a fun song for younger students to help reinforce counting by twos.
Elementary students will have a fun chance of reinforcing their understanding of the ones and tens places by grouping numbers of aliens in groups...
In this 1st-grade math worksheet, students will determine which the whole number is missing from a number sentence. First-grade students will get...