High School resources for teachers. Contains videos, worksheets, websites, and activities for students.

This is an excellent video about how the absence and reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone affected the Yellowstone food web and even change the...

This is a great video to help explore a brief history of the WWII Memorial in Washingotn D.C. (World War 2, WW2, World War II)

This informative video explains the 27 amendments to the United States Constitution in just 4 minutes. From the Bill of Rights to the most recent...

During my unit on volcanoes, I have the students do some research on some famous volcanoes.  Mt. Vesuvius is one.  This video shows a quick tour...

Using the Choice Eliminator Addon in Google forms you can create a digital method of signing up parents for Parent-Teacher Conferences. As parents...

Find out the answer to why bug bites itch.  Did you know that most itching bites are all in the head?

This is a great video to help introduce students to the Statue of Liberty.

This video examines President Kennedy and events leading up to the building of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War and the events leading up to...

This SciShow video discusses what Demodex mites are, how we get them on our skin, and why they would choose our faces to live.  This video teaches...

Many people really only know of one kind of sphincter, called the sphincter, but did you know that your body has many of them.  Muscles that...

This video answers the misconception that blood is blue when it is in your veins.  This video discusses the different hues of red in humans as...

This is a great video clip to help introduce or review the March on Washington with Martin Luther King (MLK) during the Civil Rights Movement.

This website is great.  You can create a near limitless sets of configurable math worksheets. The worksheets have multiple variables and all...

This is a cute clip of how inflation works and also its’ effects on economics or the economy.

Here is a website that has a sliding animation to demonstrate the size of...

This video explores some of the basic state symbols for Arizona.

This is a great clip to demonstrate and open a discussion about conflict: man vs. society as shown through the movie "Rudy."

This video will show your students how pearls are formed in Bivalve animals.

In this one-day activity students will read and learn about the different types of landforms that are out there. They will then, as groups, create...

Get ready for a journey to the Earth's core with this fascinating found on EducationalResource.org....

This video examines the story surrounding the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan.

Here is an excellent video about how scientists map the human genome. Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, Tissues, Organs, Organism, DNA, and...

Where did all the material found in Saturn's rings come from?  How did those rings form?  Find out the answer to those questions and share this...

This is one of the papers I have my students' parents fill out each year at the beginning of the school year.  This helps me know a little more...