High School resources for teachers. Contains videos, worksheets, websites, and activities for students.

This is a great video to help introduce or reinforce irrational numbers in algebra.

This mini biography video provides an excellent overview of the life and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln. From his early life in Kentucky to...

This lab will only work if you have Java on your computers. It should work fine on Windows machines.
In this digital Phet...

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting over 40 million people worldwide. And though it was discovered over a century...

This worksheet contains two passages on how plants grow and tips for growing your own plants.  It contains the writing prompt, "How do plants grow...

I show this video during my unit on volcanoes when discussing the two Hawaiian volcano flow types, Pahoehoe and aa lavas.  It shows both very well...

This is a fun parody that paints a comical view of the Founding Fathers, yet still accentuates key points of the founding of America and...

Here is a story of Stephen Sillett, who discovered that the extremely tall redwood trees actually contain their own ecosystems.  Watch this video...

This video demonstrates how functions work in regards to an input-output machine.  They demonstrate some real-world scenarios with food and how...

In this captivating video, the measurement of temperatures on Earth takes center stage as the presenter delves into the scientific breakthroughs...

This is a fun propaganda cartoon that is a great review of dictators, people, and events of WWII. (World War 2, WW2, World War II, HItler,...

This video answers the question, "Why is our solar system flat?"  

In this web research activity, students will research 14 volcanoes via the internet. All of these volcanoes are famous for either their size of...

This is a great video to help explore a brief history of the WWII Memorial in Washingotn D.C. (World War 2, WW2, World War II)

The "Active and Passive Transport Cellular Methods Video" provides an in-depth explanation of the various cellular methods used for transportation...

In this one-day activity students will read and learn about the different types of landforms that are out there. They will then, as groups, create...

Find out how many calories people need to eat per day.  The video discusses what calories actually are, how your body burns them, and the...

Here is a website that shows the periodic table of elements.  What is unique about it, is that for each element there is a linked video file...

This video was created and sung on the show Happy Days.  The tune is catchy and is sung about the process the heart goes through as it pumps blood...

The ability to watch supercooled water turn instantly to ice is quite popular right now on the internet.  Here is a video that will discuss why...

This is a great video overview with interesting facts about President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), produced by Disney. Includes items JFK...

This is a great video to examine how a lightning bolt is formed and travels.

If you are about to teach a lesson on black holes and the Roche Limit, this might be a fun science video to watch with your students. 

This is a good video to help introduce or reinforce differing physical and cultural regions within Arizona.