High School resources for teachers. Contains videos, worksheets, websites, and activities for students.

This video explains the development and rise of McCarthyism, and specifically the role of Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare during the...

In this video symbiotic relationships are discussed.  The video does a great job detailing the relationships between symbiotic organisms,...

Embark on an illuminating video that unravels the secrets of wind. Explore the fascinating mechanisms behind wind generation on our planet....

This is a great video to introduce manifest destiny or moving west.

This Money Worksheet will produce problems with randomly generated bills and coins using United States Money. You have the option to select any...

In this lab, students will create a digital table and a graph-based on information about the interactions of wolves and deer living on an island....

This video describes part of the process that President Carter went through to negotiate the Camp David Peace Accords between Egypy and Israel.

This is a fun video that demonstrate optical illusions as well as other issues your brain might have, with getting information incorrect.

How many times to we tell our children to put on warm clothes during the
winter so that they won't get a cold?   This video does an...

This video demonstrates how sugar gives a "high" to your brain, causing you to want to eat more. Carbohydrates, glucose, fructose, sucrose,...

This video explores the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis between the U.S. (President John F. Kennedy) and Russia (Nikita Khrushchev) during the...

This is an Awesome Overview of the CIvil Rights Movement. It covers everything from Plessy Vs. Ferguson, Ku Klux Klan - KKK, Brown Vs. The Topeka...

What can you do with Geography…This video gives some examples of jobs using Geography.

In this Earth Science lab, students will create their own homemade barometers using a canning jar, a balloon, and a straw. The barometers can show...

This is a great tribute video to heros. It introduces Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Flight 93, 9-11, Sandy Hook, and even the Granite...

In this one-day activity students will read and learn about the different types of landforms that are out there. They will then, as groups, create...

Looking for a new way to teach the rock cycle? Check out this exciting twist on a classic activity from ...

This video demonstrates the science behind the spice.  Why do peppers make your brain think your tongue is on fire?  What is the spicey scale all...

This is a fun video that can be used to introduce, review, or reinforce state and capitals as scene on the Animaniancs.

Two volcano vocabulary activity worksheets. The first one is a 20-word search. The word search contains images of a shield, cinder, and composite...

In this exercise, students will use a Geologic map to discover what types of rocks, faults, and ages of those rocks are. They will read about the...

Have you ever wondered whether or not ketchup was considered a liquid or a solid.  After all it can take a lot to get ketchup out of a bottle. ...

This is a great video to help explore a brief history of the WWII Memorial in Washingotn D.C. (World War 2, WW2, World War II)

In this activity, students will use Google Earth to find the coordinates of some awesome Geologic Formations. Students will have a greater...