High School resources for teachers. Contains videos, worksheets, websites, and activities for students.

Scientists have recently discovered an ancient lake bed on the planet Mars.  This video gets into topics of geology such as erosion, deposition,...

In this 3rd through 10th-grade lab, students will observe the formation of salt crystals. Students will also add food coloring to their dissolved...

This "Its OK to be Smart" video discusses why our bodies feel cold.  Students will learn that it is all about heat transfer.  The video will...

This is a great video that explores the history and background of President George Washington and the Monument itself.

In this self-guided activity, students will gain an understanding of how to interpret basic to advanced weather station models. They will read...

This is a fun video that takes students on a quick tour of the U.S. and visit the state capitals.

Watch and learn how bats transmit diseases and viruses and why so many bats carry viruses.

This is a great video to help explain and summarize the events of Kristallnacht (Night of broken crystal or glass) and the persecution of the Jews...

This is an entertaining newscast that interviews scientists and what they have to say about the movie San Andreas.  I show this video in class to...

This is an interactive digital glacier lab that will help students understand what glaciers are, what some of the formations and deposits look...

In this activity, students get to know Alfred Wegener and why and how he came up with the idea of continental drift and the super-continent...

This is a great video to help introduce or review the Nashville, Tennessee Sit ins during the Civil Rights Movement.

Looking for a new way to teach the rock cycle? Check out this exciting twist on a classic activity from ...

This is a great video to share in with your students.  The video explores some scientific evidence that plants can learn and can remember.  But...

This is an interactive digital glacier lab that will help students understand what glaciers are, what some of the formations and deposits look...

This is a great video to examine how a lightning bolt is formed and travels.

In this activity, students will briefly examine 10 fields/disciplines of Geology: hydrology, volcanology, mineralogy, paleontology, stratigraphy,...

In this EdTech Earth Science activity, students will use Google Drawing to create an image that demonstrates the three main types of earthquake...

This TEDed video shows just how big the ocean is.  It does a great job at putting the sheer size of the ocean into perspective.

This is a great video clip to help introduce or review the March on Washington with Martin Luther King (MLK) during the Civil Rights Movement.

This is a random three-digit subtraction generator that is

Smartboard friendly, with big buttons. Click the reset values button and the...

This physics lab worksheet focuses on exploring the concepts of collision and momentum using a simulation. The lab is designed to engage students...

This engaging video series offers a fun and quick way to introduce basic economic concepts to students. The series is broken up into several short...

This is a fun video that can be used as an introduction to the language, grammar, and a host of other general English topics.