This video demonstrates how functions work in regards to an input-output machine. They demonstrate some real-world scenarios with food and how foo
Math moon shoot game on patterns is a game for one player when self-testing skills or many players of in a classroom.
Can your students find the numbered patterns? Students will be exposed to input-output tables, addition and subtraction patterns, and one multipli
This website gives teachers the ability to quickly create random numbers that can be used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, order of
This AB patterns worksheet also comes with an accompanying Smart Notebook section.
Honeybees create their honey-cone out of hexagons. Why is this? This video demonstrates how bees use math to maximize space and energy.
Review patterns with students. The patterns included are skip counting, multiplication table, and input-output tables.
This is a fun song for younger students to help reinforce counting by twos.
Find the patterns of input-output tables, number lines, word problems, multiplication patter, skip counting patterns, addition and subtraction patt
Students will find multiplication and addition patterns found in number lines and in tables.
This is a great video to help practice and review patterns with younger students.
A review on number patterns and dividing fractions into equal parts worksheet.