In this catchy video, students can learn about the different layers of the Earth in a fun and engaging way through song. The video covers the...
High School Resources
This video teaches the science behind getting nervous and how it involves adrenaline.
Here is a fun poem created to show all of the elements on the periodic table. Much of the poem demonstrates where the different names came from...
This video answers the misconception that blood is blue when it is in your veins. This video discusses the different hues of red in humans as...
Find out how scientists create electricity near volcanoes by using geothermal energy.
This is a great clip to help students realize the mentality of the Japanese soldiers who oversaw American prisoners in POW Camps during WWII. (...
This is a great video that shows Apollo 11, orbiting the Moon, and the Lunar Module descending and landing on the Moon, and Neil Armstrong taking...
This is the original version of The Lorax and it is a great video to demonstrate the relationship and effects of supply and demand in...
TEDEd created this video, which is an animation about how a cell is attacked by a virus. It is very detailed and uses language that is easy to...
Have you ever wondered where the heat inside the Earth comes from? Look no further than this fascinating video found on...
Students will dive into the world of balancing using levers and fulcrums. Through a virtual simulation called "Phet Balancing Act," students will...
This is a great video clip to help introduce or further explore the conditions of the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. (World War 2, WW2, World...
Here is a gross video that your students may like to see. What are the healthy and financial benefits of eating insects? This video discusses...
In this video, students will witness the destructive power of an earthquake and learn about a fascinating phenomenon called liquefaction. This...
In this lecture, the use and importance of ores are discussed. Gemstones and gems are discussed visually. Titanium and its use are discussed. An...
This video is a fun rap about the organization and powers declared in the Constitution.
This is a documentary and interview with President George W. Bush given 10 years after the September 11 (9/11) attacks on the World Trade Centers...
This video is a news story about how Ping Pong opened the door to diplomatic relations between President Nixon and China during the 1970's.
I show this volcanic eruption when trying to discuss the different types of eruptions. This one is called a lava dome eruption. Lava Dome...
During your unit on adaptations, evolution, or predator-prey relationships, this video would be an excellent one to show your students. In it, is...
This is an animated video that discusses eels. It discusses how they reproduce, a bit about the mystery behind an eel's migration, and how an eel...
Here is a handout to give students when they are about to do a science experiment. It will help them focus on the procedure of the scientific...
Is it possible to be really scared to death? The answer is "Yes!" This video discusses how heart failure can occur and other reasons for being...