First Grade resources for teachers. Contains videos, worksheets, websites, and activities for students.

In this game, students can compete against each other online to see who can get their jet ski to the end, the quickest by answering addition...

This is a fun song that helps younger students explore the powers of the Sun.

Students will measure the length of a bird, snake, dog, hippo, and a goat. They will also measure the height of a giraffe. This worksheet includes...

This is a quick video to help introduce elements of telling time. second, minutes, hours, and day.

This is a cute video to help younger students identify and classify elements of the four seasons.

I blame the Coronavirus for causing boredom which in turn caused me to play with making a video for my students. In this episode, El Guapo is...

This is a great song to help instruct and review the alphabet with kindergarten students.

Students will compare the size of each pair of shapes. They will color each shape according to the comparison.

Experience an authentic space shuttle launch with this video, and make sure to play it loud with a high-quality sound system so that your students...

This is a fun song to help introduce or reinforce the "f" sound of "ph".

For those teachers who use publisher to create worksheets and activities for their classroom, you may be interested in this...

Students will compare the lengths of three rectangles. They will write the number 1 in the rectangle that is the longest and the number 2 in the...

This is a great basic introductory video for exploring elements related to the sky. It also helps with some basic sight words.

In this worksheet students will order 7 sets of 4 numbers from least to greatest; numbers 1-20. There is space for adding a student's time if you...

This is a very funny video about the importance of being quiet in the library.  It shows kids how NOT to be in the library.  I show this video...

This is a great video to help practice and review patterns with younger students.

Elementary students will gain a better understanding of the addition property using this Thanksgiving Day activity. ...

Students learn how to set up two-digit addition and carry over in this video.

This is a great video to help students understand how to write place values in expanded form.

Have some fun singing the "Five Little Turkeys" song with your elementary students.  The song gets faster each time it is sung.

This is a fun video to help introduce or to help review some basic ideas of fractions.

 This video comes from the Hi-5 singing group.  If you need to get your
little ones up and dancing while learning their 5 senses, then this...