Experience an authentic space shuttle launch with this video, and make sure to play it loud with a high-quality sound system so that your students...
1st Grade Resources
Students will click on two ants that are antonyms. The more a student gets right the more ants that appear.
This is a creating online bingo game in which students have to count the money correctly in order to place a square. You can set the game up with...
Elementary students will gain a better understanding of the addition property using this Thanksgiving Day activity. ...
In this tutorial you will see how easy it is to add a Google drawing into a Google doc.
This is a fun video for younger students to help explain how things can move, fast and slow. It helps reinforce the concepts of fast and slow.
I use this digital geoboard with my 3rd grade students when teaching shapes. I have students do their best to create, 2d shapes like triangles,...
This website is great. You can create a near limitless sets of configurable math worksheets. The worksheets have multiple variables and all...
This web tool can allow teachers to build images that represent fractions of circles/pies or polygons. It is simple to use. Just say how many...
Gentle stream classroom timer. Add a soft soothing sound to your classroom timer with this babbling brook. A siren sounds at the end.
This is a great video to introduce and review the concept of weight.
Help your kids understand the different sounds of the letter "y" the next time you are teaching it in phonics.
In this worksheet, students will read, understand and use the words, short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, and tallest to compare the heights of...
This video is an animated reading of "If you take a mouse to school."
In this game, students can compete against each other online to see who can get their jet ski to the end, the quickest by answering addition...
Here is a very well done elementary educational video discussing the importance of soil. The University of New Mexico created it. They use...
Using the Choice Eliminator Addon in Google forms you can create a digital method of signing up parents for Parent-Teacher Conferences. As parents...
Elementary students will have a fun chance of reinforcing their understanding of the ones and tens places by grouping numbers of aliens in groups...
This is a quick, fun video to help introduce or review basic punctuation for kids. The song is sung by LL Cool J.
This website gives a great example of using the commutative and associative properties of addition using Skittles. There is a video available...