Spooky Multiplication Bingo Cards and Call Sheet
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This was created for those couple of days leading up to Halloween, you know, when kids have gone "spooky" themselves. In this pack, teachers will get 60 bingo cards and two call sheets. The bingo cards are in two different stacks. One stack is for the teacher to call out the products and the students have to find the equations. The other stack has the teacher calling out the equations, while the students have to find the products. Each card is unique and there are 68 equations and products ranging from the 1s to the 12s.
I let my students color in the cards that contain ghosts and pumpkins, but these can be used from year to year if students don't destroy them. I just print new ones each year.
This is great to do on the day of Halloween or the days leading up to it.
If you are looking for a Halloween Bingo Game for division click here.