Borrowing Across 0s Check For Understanding Worksheet
![borrow across 0s worksheet](/sites/default/files/2022-07/borrow%20across%200s%20check%20for%20understanding.png)
Use this subtraction worksheet to check for understanding or reteach. There are 6 math subtraction questions that students will solve that require students to borrow across 0s.
Use this subtraction worksheet to check for understanding or reteach. There are 6 math subtraction questions that students will solve that require students to borrow across 0s.
Use this elementary math worksheet to check for understanding or reteach the triple digit subtraction with borrowing numbers.
This is a simple number line make that allows teachers to generate custom number lines Below are some examples of number lines that can be created.
This website gives teachers the ability to quickly create random numbers that can be used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, order of operations, finding rules, and learning to substitute values. The spinners can be used with 2 to 12 sections in each spinner. You can have up to 4 spinners. It also contains a timer in which you can quickly turn the spinners into fun and visual activities. Watch the Youtube Video on using the spinners to see how it can be used.
This tool is great for teaching young children how to count, add, subtract, and multiply using images on a grid that can go to 144 squares. There are many variables that teachers can change to make it more entertaining. Once finished, a teacher can create an image that can then be placed in a presentation, worksheet or on a website.
This is a great game that works on multiplication and division fluency by having students create a fact family. Numbers get larger as you advance through each level. It can also be used for addition and subtraction fact families. This game can also help students learn their addition and subtraction fact families.
This is a Smartboard large button program that displays flashcards. I have my students in teams and we play two-minute relay games where the team selects and answers and then moves to the end of the team. The team that wins is the one that answered the most correct multiplication or division problems. You can also select add and subtract.
In this money word problems worksheet, students will add and subtract dollar amounts to find out how much they would spend altogether, how much change they need back and figure out if they have enough money to purchase the items. There are 8 money word problems in all.
You can also purchase the Google Doc version of this worksheet through Teachers Pay Teachers. The Google Doc version allows you to edit the names, money amounts and verbiage to fit your local students.
My district has been using reflex math for about 4 years now and the teachers all concur that it is one of the best programs out there that help build fluency for math facts. By the time students are done, they will be fluent in whichever program you assign them, whether it is addition and subtraction or multiplication and division. This program does come with a cost though, but we have found it to be an excellent resource the help build elementary student math fact fluency.
In this worksheet, students will review adding three digits together as well as adding three double-digit values together. It comes with a nice pun about rabbits.