Smartboard Friendly Clock


Smartboard friendly analogue clock.

This educational website does a great job with it's analog and digital clock.  You can change the clock to real time.  You can roll a dice to get a random time on the clock.  You can actually change the mode and use the clock's hands to demonstrate angles and fractions.  The clock's style and color can also be changed. You can also change the style of the tick marks that go around the clock which makes it easier for students to view, when you are demonstrating different times.  

Be Proud of your Name with Fractions


proud of your name in fractions

I use this elementary math activity to reinforce the concept of fractions of items.  In this case, the items or objects are the letters in their name.  First students will write their first and last names inside a decorative border.  Next, they count how many letters total, how many vowels and consonants their names contain, and how many letters are the same as the first letter in their names. They will then create fractions based on their answers. This is also an activity to subtly or not so subtly build self-esteem.

3rd Grade Understanding Parts of Fractions


undertanding parts of fractions

This fractions worksheet is designed to reinforce the concept that fractions are shapes or objects divided into equal parts or pieces. Students are first asked what each part of a divided shape is equal to. Then they have to make a fraction based on the shaded area. Next students are presented with shapes that are divided into 1/5 and have to decide whether or not the shape was evenly divided. Finally, they are given 2-word problems designed to make a student think about what each part of a divided shape or object actually means.

Reflex Math


reflex math for math facts image

My district has been using reflex math for about 4 years now and the teachers all concur that it is one of the best programs out there that help build fluency for math facts.  By the time students are done, they will be fluent in whichever program you assign them, whether it is addition and subtraction or multiplication and division.  This program does come with a cost though, but we have found it to be an excellent resource the help build elementary student math fact fluency.