Why are some teachers and schools successful?

John Hattie, an educational researcher, discusses what makes schools and teachers successful.  After studying thousands of schools, teachers, and students, this video identifies what his data shows.  This video would be great to show at a teacher inservice to generate conversations on methods that might makes your educational environment more successful.  His findings are interesting.  A question that is addressed is, "What influences student achievement?"

Below is a chart that shows some of his findings:

Doesn't Matter Much What really matters
Home or parents Teachers working together
Individualized instruction Evaluation and understanding of impact
Technology Allowing students to make mistakes
Accountability Students' trust in the teacher
Class Size Feedback to teachers about their impact
Learning Styles Challenging curriculum
Programs Deliberate student practice
Structure of schools or classes Understanding what a student already knows
Summer school, day length Showing students what success looks like
