This science lab can be used in any of the science disciplines because it is going to help students learn how to read a meter tape. Students will learn what the Magnus Effect is and how to demonstrate the Magnus Effect by "flying" a hollowed-out "Bic" pen across the classroom. Students will also learn how to create a spreadsheet and then add a formula that will automatically calculate the average of their pen flight distances. I use this lab at the beginning of the year to get students excited about science as well.
In this Earth Science lab, students will crush a soda can using atmospheric pressure. This is a common science experiment with a twist. In this version, students will calculate the total air pressure found on the outside of the can. The kids will take the surface area formula of a cylinder and find out about how many pounds of air is sitting on top of and around the can. This lab also attempts to incorporate math into a science class.
In this Earth Science lab, students will create their own homemade barometers using a canning jar, a balloon, and a straw. The barometers can show low and high-pressure systems. After they build their barometers, students will complete a daily log, by measuring the height differences of their barometers. They will determine rising and falling barometers. Students will also observe the weather that is currently outside.