A Practice in Using a Ruler to Measure to the Nearest Quarter Inch


Measuring quarter inch worksheet

Introducing our customizable and interactive hands-on math lab activity: "Measure Up Math Lab!" This is designed for students to explore the measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch in a fun and tailored way.

In "Measure Up Math Lab," students will use a ruler to measure common classroom items and their neighbor's finger and thumb. This lab apart is customizable because it's made in Google Docs, allowing teachers to easily customize the activity by adding their own items to be measured. This flexibility ensures that the lab aligns perfectly with the unique needs of each classroom.

Eye Color: The Magic of Genetics Reading Passage and Graphing Worksheet


eye color genetics

This is a worksheet and practice in collecting data and representing it in bar graph form, and is designed to help students understand the fascinating role of genetics in determining eye color.

In this activity, students will explore the concept of genetics as a special code that influences our physical appearance, including eye color. They will learn that genes act as tiny instructions within our bodies, inherited from our parents at birth. This hands-on activity and reading passage will help students discover the magic behind eye color inheritance.

Estimating the Volume of Water


estimating the volume of water image

Dive into the world of volume estimation with this engaging and interactive activity designed for elementary students to explore the concept of estimating and measuring the volume of water. This resource is perfect for teachers looking to add a splash of excitement to their math lessons!


In this activity, you'll set up your classroom with several different-sized graduated cylinders displayed on a table. Surrounding them are 10 containers of various shapes and sizes – cups, sponges, measuring cups, soda mugs, and more.


Here's how the activity unfolds:


Students Learn to Read a Ruler with this Game


The Ruler Game

When my 3rd grade students are learning to read measurements to the quarter inch, I use this game.  Most kids get really into it.  As students get the measurement correct, the timer goes faster and faster.  You can change the settings to display rulers the measure just the inch, half inch, quarter inch, sixteenth inch, thirty-two seconds of an inch and even sixty-four seconds of an inch.

Finding the Mass of Objects


Finding the mass of classroom objects

In this worksheet, students will take everyday objects from the classroom and use balance scales to find the mass.  The students will first describe the object and then estimate the mass.  They will then weigh the object and write down that actual mass.  Finally, they will find the difference between the actual mass and the estimated mass.  Once students are finished they will sort the mass from lightest to heaviest.  The main purpose of this assignment is to have students make estimates and then use actual scales to find the mass.