Random Spinners For Probability, Order of Operations, and Finding Rules


Randomized Spinners for Math Lessons

This website gives teachers the ability to quickly create random numbers that can be used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, order of operations, finding rules, and learning to substitute values.  The spinners can be used with 2 to 12 sections in each spinner.  You can have up to 4 spinners.  It also contains a timer in which you can quickly turn the spinners into fun and visual activities.  Watch the Youtube Video on using the spinners to see how it can be used.

Triple Digit Addition Generator


Triple Digit Addition Generator

This is a random three-digit subtraction generator that is

Smartboard friendly, with big buttons. Click the reset values button and the program will generate two 3-digit numbers that students can use to reinforce their ability to subtract.  I use this program to generate subtraction questions and students can use whiteboards to solve the answer.  This can also be used to play games like king of the row or relay races.

Random Triple Digit Subtraction Generator


Random Triple Digit Subtraction Generator

This is a random three-digit subtraction generator that is Smartboard friendly, with big buttons. Click the reset values button and the program will generate two 3-digit numbers that students can use to reinforce their ability to subtract.  I use this program to generate subtraction questions and students can use whiteboards to solve the answer.  This can also be used to play games like king of the row or relay races.