Earth Science: Mapping Useful Ores Research Activity
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In this assignment, students will open up a Google Doc, you can have it printed as well, and fill out a table of some very useful industrial ores. The ores that will be researched are diamonds, gold, rock salt, bauxite, iron, and titanium. Students will research which 3 countries in the world are the top producers of each ore. They will then find and write 2 or more industrial uses for each ore. As they are doing their research, students will also use a map and mark where these countries are. This is great to reinforce the geography standards.
This can be completely done in Google docs or printed out. If they use Google docs, students just double click on the map. This will open it up in Google Drawing which will give them tools, especially the text box so that they can write the letter of each ore that is mined.
The other advantage of using the Google doc version is that you can change up the ores as you see fit.
I also use the following website to help teach the concept behind mineral ores.
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