Exploring Earth's Magnetic Magic Reading Passage and Experiment


Making a compass and following directions

Exploring Earth's Magnetic Magic: Reading Passage and Experiment


Overview: This resource combines a reading passage with a hands-on experiment, allowing students to grasp the concept of magnetism and Earth's magnetic field in a fun and interactive way.

Key Concepts Covered:

Geologic Time Scale Precambrian to Cenozoic


geologic history time scale

Enhance your knowledge with our geologic time scale, spanning from the ancient Precambrian era, nearly 4 billion years ago, to the vibrant Cenozoic period, which continues to shape the present day. Immerse yourself in a visually captivating timeline, intricately color-coded and enriched with invaluable insights into the diverse array of fascinating prehistoric creatures that once roamed the Earth. Discover the evolution of awe-inspiring land formations across these epochs, unlocking a deeper understanding of our planet's remarkable history.


Mapping Useful Ores Research Activity


Mapping useful ores on world map image

In this assignment, students will open up a Google Doc, you can have it printed as well, and fill out a table of some very useful industrial ores. The ores that will be researched are diamonds, gold, rock salt, bauxite, iron, and titanium. Students will research which 3 countries in the world are the top producers of each ore. They will then find and write 2 or more industrial uses for each ore. As they are doing their research, students will also use a map and mark where these countries are. This is great to reinforce the geography standards.

Earth Science: Mapping Useful Ores Research Activity


Earth Science: Mapping Useful Ores Research Activity

In this assignment, students will open up a Google Doc, you can have it printed as well, and fill out a table of some very useful industrial ores. The ores that will be researched are diamonds, gold, rock salt, bauxite, iron, and titanium. Students will research which 3 countries in the world are the top producers of each ore. They will then find and write 2 or more industrial uses for each ore. As they are doing their research, students will also use a map and mark where these countries are. This is great to reinforce the geography standards.

What are different types of fossils? Video

Immerse yourself in an engaging animated video that delves into the captivating world of fossils. Discover a wealth of information about various types of fossils and their intricate formation processes. This educational video covers a wide range of fascinating fossils, including trace fossils, mold fossils, resin fossils, and body fossils. Gain a comprehensive understanding of each type as you explore their unique characteristics and significance. Expand your knowledge and fuel your curiosity through this visually captivating and informative exploration of fossils.