This is a short biography video of President George Washington. Learn about the life of the first President of the United States.
8th Grade Resources
This video examines President Richard M. Nixon’s plans to “limit” yet “expand” America’s role in the Vietnam conflict.
This video discusses how temperatures in lakes affect the flow of the lake's ecosystem.
This image was designed to demonstrate how sandstone ends up as gneiss, a metamorphic rock. It follows the sequences of: sandstone, quartzite,...
This animated video describes the formation of minerals particularly the mineral quartz and how that quartz becomes sand. The video will discuss...
The cool tool allows teachers to generate custom number lines with ease. You can change the line settings to different types of number lines like...
This is a great video that explores the life, events, and death of President Abraham Lincoln., including the Lincoln Douglas Debates, the...
This mini biography video provides an excellent overview of the life and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln. From his early life in Kentucky to...
In this activity students take simple sentences and use metaphors and similes to enhance their sentences, making them more interesting,...
In this informative video, the question "Why do trees have rings?" is explored in detail. The presenter delves into the fascinating topic of tree...