Delight in an adorable video and catchy song designed to assist younger students in comprehending and recognizing the seasons. This engaging...
Kindergarten Resources
This is a worksheet that contains three addition problems tied to an Easter theme. Students count the objects and then place the answer into the...
This is a multi-player tug of war addition game. Players can compete to see who can answer the addition questions quickest and most accurately....
Enjoy nature while timing your students work. This is a 30-second timer to the beautiful sounds of water rapids in Arizona. Then the end has a...
This website is great. You can create a near limitless sets of configurable math worksheets. The worksheets have multiple variables and all...
Have some fun singing the "Five Little Turkeys" song with your elementary students. The song gets faster each time it is sung.
This is a fun song to help review or introduce basic addition and also math vocabulary to younger students.
In this episode of the El Guapo Loco Science Show, Mr. Weir will show the kids what Machu Pichu is and some of the animal life that is found in...
This is a simple number line make that allows teachers to generate custom number lines Below are some examples of number lines that can be...
Here is a cute song for those who teach Kindergarten. Your students will be able to sing along to this song about the 5 things that plants need in...
Using the Choice Eliminator Addon in Google forms you can create a digital method of signing up parents for Parent-Teacher Conferences. As parents...
This math video has Kermit the Frog teaching kids how to subtract with a little humor.
Here is a very well done elementary educational video discussing the importance of soil. The University of New Mexico created it. They use...
Students will compare the lengths of three rectangles. They will write the number 1 in the rectangle that is the longest and the number 2 in the...
This is a simple version of Snakes and Ladders. I use this with my 3rd-grade students as one of many game boards they can choose from when using...
This is a great basic introductory video for exploring elements related to the sky. It also helps with some basic sight words.
This Educational Technology Tutorial demonstrates how teachers can use LightShot or any other screen capture software to quickly and easily add...
This game will improve a students subtraction fluency skills as they have to quickly answer subtraction questions in order to destroy the invasion...
Students will measure the length of a bird, snake, dog, hippo, and a goat. They will also measure the height of a giraffe. This worksheet includes...
Demonstrate how magma is more buoyant than the surrounding earth material. Volcanoes erupt simply because the melted rock rises up through cracks...
Elementary students will have a fun chance of reinforcing their understanding of the ones and tens places by grouping numbers of aliens in groups...
This is a cute video to help young students understand the importance of recycling and taking care of the Earth for Earth Day.