This is a great video to introduce the concept of heavy and light to younger students.
2nd Grade Resources
In this worksheet, students will use a word bank with phonics 'dr' blend words. There are 10 spelling/vocabulary words.
In this worksheet designed for 3rd-grade students, students will practice 6 multiplication and division fact family triangles. On the backside of...
In this 3rd Grade worksheet, students will create fractions on number lines. They will label each part of the fraction.
This is a fun video to introduce or compare and contrast facts of Columbus.
This is a Smartboard large button program that displays flashcards. I have my students in teams and we play two-minute relay games where the team...
This is a fun video to tour the World and begin your exploration of the World. It names all the countries of the World.
Students will practice writing some words with the 'cr' phonics blend. There are 10 sentences with 'cr' blend words missing and students will...
This is a great video to help introduce or review interjections in grammar. (The video does include a boy getting a shot in the rear.)
This is a random three-digit subtraction generator that is Smartboard friendly, with big buttons. Click the reset values button and the program...
This is a simple number line make that allows teachers to generate custom number lines Below are some examples of number lines that can be...
3rd Grade Figurative Language Game. Students will identify personification, idioms, metaphors, similes, and alliteration while trying to dodge...
This worksheet contains 10 lines and 10 clues to some 'o' consonant 'e' spelling patterns words. Students will use the item bank and the clues to...
This is a great video to help younger students learn or practice counting by twos.
This is a fun video that explores the relationship between "q" and "u". Great for a phonics lesson.
This is a fun song to help reinforce odd numbers with your students.
This is a great song to help introduce or review examples of when an "e" is silent in a word. Great video for phonics lesson.
In this episode El Guapo and Mr. Weir visit Argentina and the Iguazu Falls. They then teach about waterfalls and clouds. Students will be taught...
Students learn how to set up two-digit addition and carry over in this video.
This is a fun song to help introduce place values and base tens to younger students.
This animated video describes the formation of minerals particularly the mineral quartz and how that quartz becomes sand. The video will discuss...