Here is a handout to give students when they are about to do a science experiment. It will help them focus on the procedure of the scientific...
6th Grade Resources
In this math video students will learn how the metric system came about and why scientists like using it. This Bill Nye video introduces the...
This is a fun parody that paints a comical view of the Founding Fathers, yet still accentuates key points of the founding of America and...
This Study Jam video uses two cartoon characters to describe the processes of weathering and erosion. The content and scientific explanation is...
For most of history, scientists weren't quite sure why our hearts were beating or even what purpose they served. Eventually, we realized that...
This is an excellent video about how the absence and reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone affected the Yellowstone food web and even change the...
This is a great video to share in with your students. The video explores some scientific evidence that plants can learn and can remember. But...
This is a great video overview with interesting facts about President William Taft, produced by Disney.
This is a simple number line make that allows teachers to generate custom number lines Below are some examples of number lines that can be...
Honeybees create their honey-cone out of hexagons. Why is this? This video demonstrates how bees use math to maximize space and energy.
This video was created and sung on the show Happy Days. The tune is catchy and is sung about the process the heart goes through as it pumps blood...
How do scientists know the patterns of bird migration? This video demonstrates how science over the years has evolved in its discovery of bird...
This is a great tribute video to heros. It introduces Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Flight 93, 9-11, Sandy Hook, and even the Granite...
Enhance your knowledge with our geologic time scale, spanning from the ancient Precambrian era, nearly 4 billion years ago, to the vibrant...
This video would be a great one to use if you are going to introduce the food web and predator/prey relationships. It has some great footage of...
This is a three-point rubric for informative writing. It includes grading criteria for the topic sentence, organization, details, conclusion,...
This website gives teachers the ability to quickly create random numbers that can be used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, order of...
Get ready for a journey to the Earth's core with this fascinating found on
This is a fun video that demonstrate optical illusions as well as other issues your brain might have, with getting information incorrect.
This is a great video overview with interesting facts about Richard Nixon, produced by Disney. Includes items of Vietnam War, Ping Pong Diplomacy...
This is a great video to examine how a lightning bolt is formed and travels.
Watch and learn how bats transmit diseases and viruses and why so many bats carry viruses.
This is a great clip to open a discussion about conflict or character vs. self using Toy Story.