Mad Lib Sentence Generator


mad lib sentences

I created this program to generate unlimited opportunities to create sentences using names, nouns, adjectives, and verbs.  Just click the "Regenerate" button and new names, nouns, adjectives, and verbs will be generated.  Students then have to come up with a sentence that uses all of the words.  I also added a variable to the mix.  It causes students to also add parts to their sentences like setting, emotions, tense, singular vs. plural, figurative language concepts, rhymes, and prefixes/suffixes.  I usually play if I find 10 minutes at the end of a writing time.

A Reading Experiment in Growing Beans


An experiment in growing a pinto bean

This science reading product was created to teach my students the importance of reading instructions, reading technical instructions, and of course bringing awesome science into the reading curriculum.

Students will follow instructions on how to grow a pinto bean. They will keep track of its growth for 6 days, filling out a Data Observation Table by sketching the changes and writing down some of the observations that they see going on. I have my students write the observations in complete sentences.

This is a Google doc so you can change instructions as you see fit.