The website has tons of coloring and color by number pages with many...
3rd Grade Resources
Use the video short "Lifted" to analyze character traits and how characters can change over time.
This worksheet has your students counting by fives, tens, and hundreds. Students add up pictures by skip counting. ...
In this educational video, scientists from Arizona State University, discuss a little bit about the red planet, what we know about it, and how we...
In this 3rd Grade worksheet, students will create fractions on number lines. They will label each part of the fraction.
You can print out multiple clock faces and quiz your students by giving them a time and they draw the hands on the clock face. Choose from...
This worksheet provides students with three problems to practice finding start time by labeling and using a number line. The directions instruct...
TEDEd created this video, which is an animation about how a cell is attacked by a virus. It is very detailed and uses language that is easy to...
In this 3rd Grade worksheet, students will place fractions on number lines.
In this phonics review, students will circle the correct spelling of a work that has the /k sound. They have to decide between "ck", "k", "c", and...
During a leap year, this video would be great to show your students when the question arises, "Why do we have a leap year?" This video discusses...
In this reading activity designed for 3rd graders, students will read a couple of paragraphs with 19 missing words. Students have a word list...
In this writing grammar worksheet, students take two simple sentences and then rewrite them into one sentence using conjunctions.
A third-grade worksheet designed to reinforce rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and nearest 100. It included 3 word problems, 4 questions using...
This is a great video to help introduce or review adjectives.
Help your kids understand the different sounds of the letter "y" the next time you are teaching it in phonics.
This is a fun song to help reinforce odd numbers with your students.
Third-Grade reading game reinforcing and reteaching prefixes and suffixes. Students try to collect as many jewels as possible. Get hit by the...
In this online science activity, students get to take pictures of animals and plants and learn something about their adaptations that permit them...
This is an activity-based reading log.
My idea behind this type of reading log is threefold.
1. Keep track of the books that...
This is a great clip to open a discussion about conflict or character vs. character. Harry Potter vs. Volermort
This is a fun video to help introduce, review, or reinforce parts of a whole, equal parts, or beginning fractions.
Here is a handout to give students when they are about to do a science experiment. It will help them focus on the procedure of the scientific...