Mineral Identification Lab

Mineral identification lab and dichotomous key

In this 4 day lab, students will become very familiar with the procedures involved in identifying minerals.

Day 1: Students will learn what streak, cleavage, and luster are.

  • Free access to the EarthScience.xyz website with high-quality images that can be zoomed in on to get the finer details.
  • Students will test their mineral streak color.
  • Students will observe whether their mineral samples have poor, good, or excellent cleavage.
  • Students will also determine whether their minerals have a metallic or a non-metallic luster.

Day 2: Students will learn what the Mohs Scale of Mineral hardness is. Students will also find unique properties that their mineral samples might have.

  • Free access to the EarthScience.xyz with high-quality images that can be zoomed into so students have great visuals on the mineral hardness scale and how the different unique properties would look like.
  • Students will learn and then test different properties like double refraction, acid effervescence, taste, smell, feel, heftiness, magnetism, fluorescence, and many others.

Day 3: Optional activity. Practice using a mineral identification key (dichotomous key, flow chart).

Day 4: Use a dichotomous key and attempt to correctly identify all of the minerals in their kit.

More instruction is and methodology is found in the document and the preview.