A Practice in Using a Ruler to Measure to the Nearest Quarter Inch


Measuring quarter inch worksheet

Introducing our customizable and interactive hands-on math lab activity: "Measure Up Math Lab!" This is designed for students to explore the measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch in a fun and tailored way.

In "Measure Up Math Lab," students will use a ruler to measure common classroom items and their neighbor's finger and thumb. This lab apart is customizable because it's made in Google Docs, allowing teachers to easily customize the activity by adding their own items to be measured. This flexibility ensures that the lab aligns perfectly with the unique needs of each classroom.

Exploring Earth's Magnetic Magic Reading Passage and Experiment


Making a compass and following directions

Exploring Earth's Magnetic Magic: Reading Passage and Experiment


Overview: This resource combines a reading passage with a hands-on experiment, allowing students to grasp the concept of magnetism and Earth's magnetic field in a fun and interactive way.

Key Concepts Covered:

Wondrous Water Erosion Worksheet: Investigating Nature's Nurturer and Nuisance


water erosion lab and reading passage image

Engage your students in a hands-on exploration of water erosion with this worksheet This activity and reading passage is designed to help students understand the fascinating process of erosion and its effects on the Earth's surface while giving students a nonfiction text to read and discuss.


Finding the Static Friction of Student Shoes


design experiment physics friction and traction

In this physics experiment, we will investigate and compare the traction of different shoes on a flat surface. By measuring the static friction and the coefficient of gravity, we aim to determine which shoe provides the best traction. Students conduct the experiment and draw a conclusion based on the collected data.

A Google Doc link is provided in case you want to modify or share the lab with your students.


Collision and Momentum Digital Lab


Collision and Momentum Digital Lab image

This physics lab worksheet focuses on exploring the concepts of collision and momentum using a simulation. The lab is designed to engage students by interacting with a digital simulation of two balls slamming into each other. Students will make predictions, and analyze outcomes. Students will develop a deeper understanding of momentum, velocities, and the differences between elastic and inelastic collisions. It is suitable for middle school and high school physics or physical science classes.

Pond Water Lab


pond water lab image

In this lab, you will be exploring the organisms present in pond water. Add leaves and grasses to your pond water. Students will observe and document the organisms found in the water over a two-week period. Additionally, they will analyze the data, calculate rates of organism increase, create a function, and make predictions about future organism populations. 


Geologic Time Scale Precambrian to Cenozoic


geologic history time scale

Enhance your knowledge with our geologic time scale, spanning from the ancient Precambrian era, nearly 4 billion years ago, to the vibrant Cenozoic period, which continues to shape the present day. Immerse yourself in a visually captivating timeline, intricately color-coded and enriched with invaluable insights into the diverse array of fascinating prehistoric creatures that once roamed the Earth. Discover the evolution of awe-inspiring land formations across these epochs, unlocking a deeper understanding of our planet's remarkable history.


Estimating the Volume of Water


estimating the volume of water image

Dive into the world of volume estimation with this engaging and interactive activity designed for elementary students to explore the concept of estimating and measuring the volume of water. This resource is perfect for teachers looking to add a splash of excitement to their math lessons!


In this activity, you'll set up your classroom with several different-sized graduated cylinders displayed on a table. Surrounding them are 10 containers of various shapes and sizes – cups, sponges, measuring cups, soda mugs, and more.


Here's how the activity unfolds:
