Count by 5s Dance and Song
Have fun with your students by dancing along with this song and skip counting by 5s.
Have fun with your students by dancing along with this song and skip counting by 5s.
Use this worksheet to reinforce your students' abilities to count by 2. Find more math worksheets here.
Count by twos practice worksheet link
This worksheet allows students to sort addition solutions into odd or even categories.
Sort the odd or even solutions link
Students learn how to set up two-digit addition and carry over in this video.
This is a fun activity where students get a bowl of Fruit Loops and then count them up and sort them by colors. Then they have to compare the numbers of each color to each other.
Comparing numbers using Fruit Loops activity
Play a multiplayer game where cats have to pick two numbers that equal the target number. This is a timed game that can either be played with other players or the computer. This game will work on addition fluency.
Cats addition fluency game
In this game, students can compete against each other online to see who can get their jet ski to the end, the quickest by answering addition questions.
Jet Ski addition Game Link
This can be a multiplayer, where students compete against each other or a computer in answering subtraction questions. The faster they answer the faster their jet ski moves.
Jet Ski Subtraction Game Link
This is a multi-player tug of war addition game. Players can compete to see who can answer the addition questions quickest and most accurately.
Tug-of-War Addition Game Link
This game will improve a students subtraction fluency skills as they have to quickly answer subtraction questions in order to destroy the invasion.
Subtraction Target Practice Game Link