In this tutorial you will see how easy it is to add a Google drawing into a Google doc.
8th Grade Resources
This is a fun clip to reinforce the causes of separation leading up to Declaration of Independence.
This is a great video to introduce or review the Sit ins at the Woolworth's Drug Store in Greensboro North Carolina during the Civil Rights...
This is a great video clip to help introduce or further explore the conditions of the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. (World War 2, WW2, World...
This resource would be a great introduction to your unit on cells. It is an animation of many different types of cells and some of their...
I designed this 5 paragraph expository text writing organizer to help my 3rd graders have space to restate the prompt, come up with three big...
This is a great video that examines the process of mummification in a informational and humorous parody.
This is a great short clip to introduce or review President JFK's announcement of a "moral issue" of discrimination during the Civil Rights...
This TEDEd video discusses five parasites and how they affect the host's brain. The parasites it discusses are the Gordian Worm, Rabies Virus,...
This is a 5-minute video that does an excellent job talking about bats, their conservation, their feeding habits, their evolution, and their...
This is a great clip to demonstrate and open a discussion about conflict: man vs. society as shown through the movie "Rudy."
Embark on an illuminating video that unravels the secrets of wind. Explore the fascinating mechanisms behind wind generation on our planet....
In this video, students will see what your body converts fat too when it is burning fat. Your students will be surprised as to where your fat...
Here is a very catchy tune for those students who are trying to learn
about the slope-intercept form "y=mx + b". This video was created by...
This video discusses the science and culture of being left-handed. This would be a great video to show a class with a good percentage of lefties...
This is an animated video discussing the age of the earth. It discusses uranium and zirconium dating methods. Part of the video also talks about...
The constant battle for coaches is to get all of their athletes to warm up properly. How important is stretching to the warm up process?
In this Earth Science lab, students will create their own homemade barometers using a canning jar, a balloon, and a straw. The barometers can show...
Discuss character traits by analyzing this video about animated animals crossing a bridge. Very fun and relevant to the discussion.