This web tool can allow teachers to build images that represent fractions of circles/pies or polygons. It is simple to use. Just say how many equ
In this fractions worksheet, students will correctly place fractions on a number line. Mixed fractions are included. Students will then create th
In this 3rd Grade worksheet, students will compare 9 fractions. They will then take a fraction and create fraction bars based on it. Finally, the
This is a great video to help introduce numerator and denominator and fractions to younger students.
In this 3rd-grade math worksheet, students will compare 9 fractions using <,>, and =. They will color in 6 fraction bars. Finally, students
In this worksheet, students will look at shapes and determine whether or not they have been divided equally. Students will also have a chance to d
I use this elementary math activity to reinforce the concept of fractions of items. In this case, the items or objects are the letters in their na
Students will learn to split a number line equally to represent fractions. The fractions can represent more than one whole and therefore can be wr
In this game, students will identify a fraction and then shoot the correct bubble that contains that particular fraction. As kids get better the b
This is a cute and simple song that explains what the denominator in a fraction is.
Dirt Bike Comparing Fractions is a multiplayer math game that allows students from anywhere in the world to play tug of war with each other while p
Your students will get to design their own kite and then determine how much of the kite is specific colors using their knowledge of fractions.
This website allows students and teachers to visually explore fractions and how they relate to mixed numbers, decimals and percents. You can set i
This is a fun video that can be used as a hook to introduce fractions, including denominator and numerator.
This is a one-minute video that demonstrates to students that shapes can be evenly split and that each piece is one equal part of the whole shape.<
This 3rd Grade comparing and equivalent math worksheet was designed as an end of unit review. It contains 6 normal comparing fractions problems us
In this 3rd Grade worksheet, students will create fractions on number lines. They will label each part of the fraction.
This 3rd-Grade equivalent fractions worksheet has 6 pies and 5 bars divided into fractions. Students will use those charts to find the equivalent
A review on number patterns and dividing fractions into equal parts worksheet.
This is a fun video to help introduce or to help review some basic ideas of fractions.
This is a review of placing fractions on number lines. There are regular fractions lower than 1, mixed fractions, and improper fractions. At the
In this equivalent and comparing fractions review worksheet students will demonstrate their understanding of fractions. Students will illustrate t
In this 3rd Grade worksheet, students will place fractions on number lines.