Fractions, fractions on number lines, parts of fractions, partitioning shapes, and fractions as whole numbers, equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, resources for teachers of all grade levels. Contains videos, worksheets, websites, and activities for students.

With this fraction model tool, teachers can custom create both bar fractions and pie fractions.  It is quite customizable.  You can change the colo

In this 3rd-grade math activity, students will use three colors and design a pattern in a 5 x 5 grid.  They will then determine the fractions of ea

This is a review of placing fractions on number lines.  There are regular fractions lower than 1, mixed fractions, and improper fractions.  At the

This is a basic math worksheet in which students get some reinforcement on knowing how much of a shape is shaded and writing down the fraction amou

A review on number patterns and dividing fractions into equal parts worksheet.

Students will learn to split a number line equally to represent fractions.  The fractions can represent more than one whole and therefore can be wr

This is a fun video to help introduce, review, or reinforce parts of a whole, equal parts, or beginning fractions.